today many things returned some great other not so good.
where to start on such a jam packed Monday?
First- Em, Jenna and Gemma returned back from their trip to Japan, it was amazing to see them as i have miss them muchly. Their all beauitful girls, and it was good to have them back here about their stories, experiences and see photos/ some of their many souvenirs. Em gave me a lovely little japanse girl key ring- yes there is probably a more intelligent explanation of the gift but at 8:30 at night thats all your getting :). She also gave me hello kitty chop stick, their so cute haha. But yes i love my gifts it made my day.
Returned today was that gut feeling, in the pit of your stomach, that down day feeling. I hate that feeling but i admit i experienced it today. Beside the hype of my friends getting back from Japan, at school it wasnt the best. Whether it was sitting there while a group of people talked constantly about something that clearly was one of those 'between us' things and obsess over topics they knew i was interested in. But anyway what can you do? Not to mention there was this one person, i really dislike this person, and i am not really the type to not like someone. But this person really hasnt given me a chance so i personally believe why should i give them the chance? waste my time over something that will leave me feeling upset. Then i began to obsess over the past and how much things have change. Missing someone in particular and thinking about how i cryed my eyes out last night because of all that has happen. & man! some people can be so naive and take some of the most important factors in there life for granted! it annoys me sssssssssssssooooooooooo much!
Although this is really a 'return' but i had a lovely chat with my beeestfren Jess. She really is incredible, i was so down and she manages to make me laugh and smile. I dunno what i would do without her ay. I hope she reads this haha :). I loveee spending every minute with her being silly making up dances, singing our songs, laughing, chatting constantly, and spending our time pre-ocupied by little things. awh she is the best really.
Today returned a friendship that i have been longing for. Alexandra my friend i have known since i was about 5 so nearly 10 years. We sort of drifting and now we are becoming to get close again and that makes me more happier than ever. We hung out this afternoon laughing histerically over malt moustaches, and having our devon and malt which we have always had for years it like our thing, looking for the kittens and also playing singstar. She really does mean alot to me and i miss the days where she lived next door to me.
Belinda and i spent most of the night laughing over the amazing Mitchell Davis! it can always make me laugh and smile from ear to ear. awwh i luff him haaha.
Woah this blog is gonna be extremely long, oops. I had alot on my mind thats all.
Attm, i am watching vampire daires which i am totally crushing on it is awsome, love it love it love it.
Thats all haha, everything off my mind untill the next blog.
Monday, October 26, 2009
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