Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Nearly holidays.

woo, for lazy days. yeep the days when you have absolutely nothing to do.. but doing nothing is so damn good. haha,
school is nearly officially finished for the year :D.
yesterday- i was meant to go to sydney for an excursion but it got cancel so i ended up going back to my friend jeems place hanging there with her and gub gub.
today- i had my visual design excursion, went into newcastle and flew our kites we designed. Day was okay.. got out of classes on the plus side.
Thursday (tomorrow), Friday and Monday- i have peer support training. Which meaans three days of activities.
Tuesday- okay.. dreading much but its one day of school work, hopefully classes will be pretty cruizey as its nearly the end of the year.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday- wooo for end of year activities and adventure challenge ;).

tonight i am not working so my plans is to read the amazing series, 'The Vampire Dairies' which i am loving. The tv show is pretty damn awsome too!

Cant wait for the holidays!

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