Sunday, December 20, 2009


today i relised its 41 days and then its 4 years.
4 years have gones so fast, although its seems like a lifetime.
i miss everything and how it was then.
already dreading the next 41 days.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Photography Pictures, Images and Photos

We all are given a life, we all decide what we want to do with it.
We all are given opputunites and we all have different lives.
What do you want to do with the your life?
Why not make it something that people stop in admiration and amazement.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Nearly holidays.

woo, for lazy days. yeep the days when you have absolutely nothing to do.. but doing nothing is so damn good. haha,
school is nearly officially finished for the year :D.
yesterday- i was meant to go to sydney for an excursion but it got cancel so i ended up going back to my friend jeems place hanging there with her and gub gub.
today- i had my visual design excursion, went into newcastle and flew our kites we designed. Day was okay.. got out of classes on the plus side.
Thursday (tomorrow), Friday and Monday- i have peer support training. Which meaans three days of activities.
Tuesday- okay.. dreading much but its one day of school work, hopefully classes will be pretty cruizey as its nearly the end of the year.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday- wooo for end of year activities and adventure challenge ;).

tonight i am not working so my plans is to read the amazing series, 'The Vampire Dairies' which i am loving. The tv show is pretty damn awsome too!

Cant wait for the holidays!

Monday, November 30, 2009

to my dear bestfriend jess

(to dear jess, hopee you read this).

I thought about you today, it brought me to tearswhen i relised how much i missed you. my amazing bestfriend. Its your formal tonight and you are gonna look beautiful, drop dead gorgeous, and i am sorry and so disapointed i miss seeing you get your photos. Lately ive felt like i havent been there enough, you've help pull me through some tough times, times when i was at rock bottom and you've had me in endless smiles and laughing until my stomach hurts.
Your the one person i can say i honestly trust, with everything, with all. Your an amazing girl inside and out and i would be lost without you.
I wanted to ring you tonight and vent this all to you, but you'll be dancing the night away and creating endless memories.
we need a day, a sleepover, a little holiday trip, a dance off, an adventure, a movie night: or all of these thing because i miss you, so much. And it feels like a million years since i had a proper conversation with you or saw you for that matter..
Im in tears writing this, cause i feel like somethings are changing and i hate not having my daily chats or spending my day consumed of laughter with you. Or making up silly dances and having endless rambles and dnms.
Jess Thomo, pretty much 'bestfriend' sums it up :).

oh i never got any messages about gundy :S funnyly enough and i had credit then, now i dont.. :( when i get credit expect a text okay!

ILY :) x

Friday, November 27, 2009

I wrote a poem to you today..

I wrote a poem to you today,
i didnt like it so i through it away.

I wonder where, i wonder how,
its so different now.

I remember the days when you were here,
almost every time in brings me to tears.

I wish how things could be the same,
all thats left is memories and a picture in a frame.

I wish i could of help and change what happened..


Doesnt it amaze you how some people just couldnt care, until the tears start rolling down your cheeks.
and how other people can sense something up and they are their in a heartbeat.

Just a thought..


If memories were..

myspace size! Pictures, Images and Photos

What if memories were like a flame, eveutally the wither and die out, only leaving ashes behind.
What if every great moment you share or had was gone in five years time.
What if, what seemed to mean everything suddenly meant nothing at all.
What if the one memory you swore you'd never forget went away and didnt come back again, left alone and forgotten.

What would you do if your memories were slowing dieing out and all you had left were another person opinion of what happened that day.
What would you do, how would you feel if the memory of someone you loved began to slowly fade.
What would you say, how would you act if you knew it wasnt coming back.
What would you do to make everything be the same and for that one memory to come back.

How would you act if you forgot your favourite memory.
How would you feel if you forgot the comforting words, the smell of the air, and the sweet sounds.
How would you cope if you lost the memory you loved the memory you inspired to one day be.

What would you do if memories were like flames, in the moment the feel like they could last forever, high up in the sky leaving an impact on earth, but eventually die out only leaving behind its remains..

Friday, November 6, 2009

frrrreaking out

exams next week- heaps stress and i know i have to study but i just seem to have zero motivation. arrgh.

a feeling

heelllo to a new feeling. i feeling of happiness and never ending thoughts.
a feeling, a hope, a dream that something good is finally gonna happen.
Bubbles Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, October 30, 2009

Gossip Girl

did i mention i got Gossip Girl season 2- purely and simply amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing! <3<3<3<3
plans for the w/e, study and gossip girl breaks yeaaha.

Sleepy Eyes

Last night i slept at Jesssssss's place and had an amazing night, like always. Honestly we spent hours chatting away which i believe may have some effect on why i am so tired haaha.

Friday the 30th of October marks two important dates also.
Mitchs 16th Birthday :) and National Bandana- hope you all supported the cause!.

Oh also friday afternoon beach sports was loads of fun, and i stayed back at work tonight which also has had a major effect on my energy levels.
i am ssssooo tired.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why Jess you are simply the Best

Since tonight i have prattled off about numerous 'amazing people' i cannot leave my amazing best friend Jess out. She is the definition of amazing no joke. Jess is one of the most incredible people you will ever meet she is always bubbly and never fails to put a smile on my face or leave me in hysterics laughinng till our stomachs hurt. In life its hard to trust people but i can trust Jess with anything and everything as she is such an honest and trust worthy person. I can bee my daggy self which can be pretty embrassing around her, she doesnt laugh or judge me- she joins in. I lovvvvvee how we can relate on so many levels and talk for hours on end. I could write a essay, a million and one words on how great my best friend is but it still wouldnt add up to how much she means to me and truly capture just how great she is. Honestly i am so lucky to have her in my life and i wouldnt have it any other way. I can see us, old grannies counting eachothers wrinkles and chillen to our daggy dance or calling eachother grouff, whereever or whenever i can see in years to come, Jess will still mean this much to me.

Tonight she invited me to sleep tomorrow purely because she was worried about me, isnt she just gorgeous lol. So tomorrow will an amazing tonight hanging at Jess's.


Concert Tickets.

i sooooooooo badly want to buy tickets to Cobra Starship and Taylor Swift. would make my year hahaah.
if only..

Chris Ingle

yeeep speaking of cute guys.. heres another totally in love with 'nevershoutnever' and Chris. Once again AMAZING!!
Nevershoutnever! Pictures, Images and Photos

Mitchell Davis

Atm i am suppose to be doing my maths and science homework and have my room clean but i am crushing over the most amazing Mitchell Davis. He is incredible, and cute as.
mitchell davis Pictures, Images and Photos
If you havent watch livelavalive - bet you it will make you laugh!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


i am starting to sound very emotionally depressing with all these sad blogs haha.
My 'disapointment' today was because i had been anticipating so much to get my Gossip Girl season two and then the stupid store decided they were putting on shelfs until tomorrow even though i clearly pre ordered it! its anooying in a way because i had been hyped for it all day, to just cruise after work watching gossip girl.

And work.. i have gotta go to work in about a half an hour which i am really not in the mood for. Dont get me wrong i do like work, the ppl are great the money is good, but sometimes i just want to relax and do nothing funny like that

.Suddenly i am starting to feel sick again just writing this blog. I felt so sick in the stomach all yesterday and i was good today. Yeep its coming back :. Work will be fun, feeling sick.

Gossip Girl, Season 2 Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, October 26, 2009


today many things returned some great other not so good.
where to start on such a jam packed Monday?

First- Em, Jenna and Gemma returned back from their trip to Japan, it was amazing to see them as i have miss them muchly. Their all beauitful girls, and it was good to have them back here about their stories, experiences and see photos/ some of their many souvenirs. Em gave me a lovely little japanse girl key ring- yes there is probably a more intelligent explanation of the gift but at 8:30 at night thats all your getting :). She also gave me hello kitty chop stick, their so cute haha. But yes i love my gifts it made my day.

Returned today was that gut feeling, in the pit of your stomach, that down day feeling. I hate that feeling but i admit i experienced it today. Beside the hype of my friends getting back from Japan, at school it wasnt the best. Whether it was sitting there while a group of people talked constantly about something that clearly was one of those 'between us' things and obsess over topics they knew i was interested in. But anyway what can you do? Not to mention there was this one person, i really dislike this person, and i am not really the type to not like someone. But this person really hasnt given me a chance so i personally believe why should i give them the chance? waste my time over something that will leave me feeling upset. Then i began to obsess over the past and how much things have change. Missing someone in particular and thinking about how i cryed my eyes out last night because of all that has happen. & man! some people can be so naive and take some of the most important factors in there life for granted! it annoys me sssssssssssssooooooooooo much!

Although this is really a 'return' but i had a lovely chat with my beeestfren Jess. She really is incredible, i was so down and she manages to make me laugh and smile. I dunno what i would do without her ay. I hope she reads this haha :). I loveee spending every minute with her being silly making up dances, singing our songs, laughing, chatting constantly, and spending our time pre-ocupied by little things. awh she is the best really.

Today returned a friendship that i have been longing for. Alexandra my friend i have known since i was about 5 so nearly 10 years. We sort of drifting and now we are becoming to get close again and that makes me more happier than ever. We hung out this afternoon laughing histerically over malt moustaches, and having our devon and malt which we have always had for years it like our thing, looking for the kittens and also playing singstar. She really does mean alot to me and i miss the days where she lived next door to me.

Belinda and i spent most of the night laughing over the amazing Mitchell Davis! it can always make me laugh and smile from ear to ear. awwh i luff him haaha.

Woah this blog is gonna be extremely long, oops. I had alot on my mind thats all.
Attm, i am watching vampire daires which i am totally crushing on it is awsome, love it love it love it.

Thats all haha, everything off my mind untill the next blog.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

tonights plans- blog

when i get home (i finish work at 8:30 pm) i shall write another blog or something try and make up in my lack of it lately.
I havee gotta clean my garbage dump or a room, (:).
anddd watching bones, love that show.

Heello its been awhile :)

heello amanda's not so exciting blog >.<,
i have gots to go to work at 5:45- to make pizzas and etc.
Oh funzies.
i loveee being lame its fun.
oh yes! not to mention wednesday i am getting gossip girl season 2- Yaay.

i am bored here is a calender of my week so far :).
Sunday- em, gem and jenna arrive home from japan, have missed them muchly.
monday- school :
tuesday- piano lesson as per usual.
wednesday- gossip girl, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
thursday- nothing plan except schoolio.
friday- mitchs 16th birthday :)
bandana day, everyone buy bandanas and support Canteen.
saturday- Aunty Jan and Uncle Ken are coming down and we're all going out for dinner.

yeeeh, i lead an exciting life ay.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Canteen Camp

well it was pretty amazing. Meet some of the bestest people and made new friends. I even did the highropes which i btw fail at, sand boarding where i nearly died, messy games where mitch drilled me, danced at the disco and much more.

Yepp i had a great time. & i am gonna keep this nice and short so i dont bore you all.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Rob from Stereoskyline said Hello to me ;)

Okay, so it wasnt like face to face in perosn or anything but for those who know Rob was on u-stream live. And through twitter there is like a chat room where you update things etc and he is able to read them. There was 1000000000's okay maybe 1000's of updates and if you stream through them heaps of ppl were like can you please say hi to bec in orlando for example and sometimes Rob would read it and then you know say.. 'Hi Bec from Orlando'. So me thinking its like a one in a million chance of Rob actually reading my tweet and saying hey but you know its worth a shot. So i tweeted something on the lines of 'can you please say hey to amanda from australia it would make my day' and what do you know 5 minutes after you hear rob say hi amanda from australia :O. my heart stopped haha. awh he is so cute and he's accent and everything just amazing. it deffo made my day, even made my week and its possible it could make my year haha jokes.

food tec assessment

plans for today? silly food tec assessment, and packing for camp. How unbleviably fun ayy? dont you just love assessment.. grh.
Anyways the assessment is based on cupcakes and stuff heres one of the cupcakes i made :).
which i think i distorted a tadd when resizing the image so it wasnt metres long!.

Atm i am listening to stereo skyline :))), just the sound of their music makes me happy.
and man! those boys are lookers too haha.
stereo skyline. Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, October 9, 2009

it is unfair.

dont you hate it when people take away the things that make you unique. ?

parties, family, shopping and such.

Before you begin to read this possibly boring/ ramble of things runnin g through my mind. I appologise for my lack in blogger lately, gee whiz i have hardely blogged at all! :.
I do promise to make up for my laziness for those who do read my blogs with heaaaaaaaaaps more. (*i'll try my hardest to remember and get the time!).

Anyways so, last night my brother came down as we are all going to Corey's 21st birthday which should be pretty awsome. So my day was consumed by shopping when Matt and i finally found Kotora shopping centre, (i am hopeless at directions, dont trust me and never expect me to know where i am let alone where to go hahaaha). It was real good though being able to just hang out with Matt. && i got 2 new dresses, although the whole point of our shopping trip was to get some tops but hey, i love dresses.

Tonight will bee sweet and i promise to blog some piccs afterwards.

Oh and i am going on a 'Canteen camp' on monday which should be heaps of fun. Its at Point Wolstencroft for five whole days :O. say hello to new memories and friends :).
expect pictures tooooooooo! although it means a whole five days of lack in blogging sorry guys.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


simply because Christofer Drew Ingle has the bestest voice i have ever heard and is amazing.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Last Day of Term but first day of October

Yeeeess, finally it is the last day of term! & i so cant wait for the holidays to begin my plans? beach, chillen with my friends, port mac etc. I am so over school and its so great i have only today to put up with it and then 2 weeks of relaxing. My sister finishes year 12 today! i never thought this day would come so quick, i am really excited for her! I just cant believe after today all she has is the HSIE and then she is finished at St Paul's. Also since today the year 12's finish we have the mass, and saying good bye which means today will also be pretty cruisey. I am currently really push on time writing this as i am getting a lift and they will be here any minute :S.

Its the first day of October too! wow this year has gone unbelivebly quick!.

i cant feel my mouth

so this afternoon i went to the dentist to get a filling, oath it was the weirdest experience ever. it didnt really hurt as they numbed my moulth. even now and hour and a half later my mouth is still numb i cant feel the whole left side, my teeth, lips, tounge, and gums. So yeah i thought i would share my numbing experience with you all. it is weird lets put it that way!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

the past

the other day i read something, something that happen a long time ago now but it really got me down. Just the situation and feelings surrounded around what happened. and no, i am not puting names to the situation. Then i thought why am i getting so upset about something a cant change? and then it hit me, why i get so upset is because i cant change it, i cant make things right, i cant improve what happens but all i can do is try, try my best and strive each day to become a person i'd inspire to be. Then it hit me again how much i hate change. man! change can suck at times although change can be good- like growth is change and i have grown into who i am today etc. Though change can be bad as a said, people change into people they said they would never be, people change in general, friendships change, major life changes occur that impact you emotionally and physically, change can cause heartbreak, tears and confusion. After all these thoughts i thought well this the past right? i have got to focus on the future. What good is it to freak out, or get upset about something you have no control over anymore. All i can do is live in the moment, talk way to much, laugh way to constantly, smile every minute, sing way to loud, dance like a fool, make lifetime memories with my bestfriends, love my family and have fun because life is way to short and we do have to make the best of it. So that will be the last time i will waste my tears on something i cant change..... okay maybe for a while.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Boom Boom Clap*

Yeah thats right my blog title does happen to be Miley Cyrus *cringe* haha okay i admit shes not that bad but i am not much of a fan. Butt farrr out that song (Hoe Down throwdown or whatever.. lol) has been in my head since Monday afternoon when my friend was singing it so we all dicided to join in. Honestly it is driving me isane.

Anyways 4 days till my birthday! not counting or nothing. You wouldnt believe how bad i am at making decisions i can never decide, like where i want to go for my bday? help!?.

Oh oh, funny story. Last night at work i answered the phone and i ask the person who was ordering what their name was, thinking they said pardon i repeated myself and politely say 'your name', once again thinking they said pardon i repeat myself, going for the third time i think they said pardon so i am kinda thinking 'gee listen' haha and i was like what name would you like your order under. and finally they ask if it was for last name or first name? - fist name i replied' and they say HARDEN. turns out they were saying harden the whole time- Yes i did feel heaps stupid :S. pretty funny though still laughing about it now as i write. HAAAAAHAHHAHAAH. :)

I shall wrap this up short and sweet as i am getting no where, but i suppose thats what blogs are right? But yeah.. In regards to today i had one of the best days. I did my hsie test and felt alright with that and i also got my skateboard results back for visual design and got 69 out of 70- which i was very happy about. Anyways sorry for the lame blog post- i hope my HARDEN experience at least made you laugh.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Another Sunday Afternoon

So its Sunday which means school tomorrow which evidently means Geography test- freaking out much? yeep sure am. I am trying and trying to study and write notes but i keep getting side tracked like atm i am writing this blog and talking to my friend Danielli. I am getting no where and the day is slowly but surely coming closer to the end. I cant seem to concentrate and as bad as it sounds i dont really care- i have never been big on geography. Today is such a lovely day to the sun is shining and the sky is bright blue. Although i am cooped up in my little room on this box. I think i shall take the dog for a walk or something to clear my mind and soak up the spring sun. Tomorrow marks the count down for my birthday. Today it is eight days tomorrow it will be 7. Amoungst it all i'm not really excited for the date but i am more or less excited coz my brother is coming down and i havent seen in what feels like a life time. But yeah, i am thinking i shall go and crack into my study coz knowing me it wont get done otherwise.